British DX Club

DXpedition Reports

Sheigra (Sutherland) 2-15 November 2002

With Dave Kenny & Alan Pennington


Overall conditions did not favour long distance mediumwave reception. Most of the time there was little or nothing audible from North America and even the east coast "regulars" that we managed to hear were weak and difficult to prize out of the splatter. There was one brief opening towards Ontario around 0800 on Tuesday 11 November which brought nice steady signals for about an hour and a slight improvement in our last two days. The rest of the week it was mainly weak Latin American and Puerto Rican signals. Asia did not fare much better, with few of the usual Far East regulars that we are often able to hear well at Sheigra. The Middle East was better with a particularly nice signal from Voice of the People of Kurdistan on 1206 kHz. and Pakistan on off-channel 1403.85 was a first on MW from that country for us.

The weather was dominated by severe gales during the first week and again at the end of the second week, with several calm clear and sunny days in between. Daytime temperatures averaged around 8 degrees.

Unlike in March this year, when we had terrible problems with aerials damage by sheep, there were very few sheep to worry us this time - so no breaks in any aerials at all during the whole two weeks - a first for us!

Sheigra is very quiet now with only four houses currently occupied and two others available as holiday lets. We stayed in one of these - the same one as in March (see April Communication). This backs straight onto uninhabited moorland to the south and east, with easy access for Asian aerials (which if unterminated will provide reasonable if splattery signals off the back for Central and South America). Unfortunately there are no possibilities for long Caribbean or South American beverages. It may also be possible to put up a short wire of perhaps 100m in length at 240 degrees, although it would be pointing straight at Sheigra’s high voltage power line so we have not tried it. North America is a little tricky so we only attempted to put one wire up to the north west. This has to cross the corner of an adjacent garden, then come down to ground level to cross the public road and down again to cross the drive of one of the houses, before heading up over the hill towards the clifftops. Thanks to Martin Hall for providing some virtually unbreakable steel wire which we used successfully to cross the roads. Unfortunately this aerial was prone to suffer from electrical interference some mornings, rendering it almost unusable when signals were weak. There seemed to be two sources of interference on this aerial, probably from televisions in nearby houses. It may also be that the wire is crossing underground power cables and picking up interference from there. The storage heaters within the house also cause interference on all aerials when they are operating. Although they can be switched off we generally preferred to stay warm and DX at other times! The "quiet" times are approx 0830-1230, 1430-1830, 2030-0030.

As always it was a very enjoyable holiday, even though propagation conditions were not as good as on previous visits to Sheigra. We never tire of the wild dramatic and remote landscape here at the far north western tip of the Scottish mainland.


Dave Kenny - AOR AR 7030 Plus and tuneable pre-amp
Alan Pennington - AOR AR 7030 Plus and Palstar AA30 active aerial tuner


(All long-wire beverages using 7-strand 0.2mm wire supported on 4-5ft bamboo canes)
300 degrees - 650m beverage-terminated - North America
50 degrees - 500m beverage-unterminated - Far East (+ S America off the back)
85 degrees - 500m beverage-unterminated - Middle East & Asia (+ Caribbean off the back)
180 degrees - 500m beverage-unterminated - UK LPAMs & West Africa

Day-by-Day Summary of Reception

The Logs

North America

Note “NL” is the new Canadian post office abbreviation for Newfoundland & Labrador; “QC” is Quebec.
540	0746	10/11	CBT 	Grand Falls (Pres)	NL	BBC WS relay // 600 1400 etc
560	0719	9/11	CHVO	Carbonear		NL	C&W music // VOCM 590
570	0818	8/11	KNR	Nuuk, Greenland		YL in Danish // DR on 243 & KNR on 650 720 900
580	0705	8/11	CJFX	Antigonish		NS	Broadcast News; "..a look at CJFX weather…"
590	2210	4/11	VOCM	St Johns		NL	5-day forecast"
600	0659	8/11	CBNA	Saint Anthony	NL	relay of Radio Australia, CBC ID
620	0735	7/11	CKCM	Grand Falls	NL	VOCM News // 590, 740
640	0720	10/11	CBN	St Johns		NL	relay of Radio Sweden px.
650	0715	7/11	CKGA	Gander		NL	C&W music // VOCM 590
650	0807	5/11	KNR	Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland	News in Danish // DR 243 kHz
660	0900	10/11	WFAN	New York		NY	TC 4 o'clock; Sports scores, lots of WFAN IDs
680	0820	11/11	CFTR	Toronto		ON	"All News Radio - 680 News" Toronto wx & traffic
710	0712	7/11	CKVO	Clarenville		NL	C&W, wx with "VOCM 5-day forecast"
720	0815	8/11	KNR	Simiutaq, Greenland		music // 650 & 900 kHz.
740	0734	7/11	CHCM	Marystown		NL	C&W music, "VOCM First News"
740	0810	11/11	CHWO	Toronto (Pres)	ON	standards, "AM 740" jingles
750	0714	9/11	CBGY	Bonavista Bay	NL	relay of Radio Sweden px - CBC Overnight
760	0803	8/11	WJR	Detroit		MI	DJ talk inc ID " I'm Don ??, WJR"
770	0800	12/11	WABC	New York		NY	ABC nx, ads, "Newstalk Radio 77 - WABC"
780	0757	8/11	WBBM	Chicago		IL	"WBBM Newstime 1-57" nx, wx reports
780	0851	10/11	CFDR	Dartmouth		NS	C&W mx. ID: "Kix Classic Country, 780 Kix"	
790	0845	10/11	CFNW	Port au Choix	NL	C&W music - DJ: "with CFCB" ID
800	0817	5/11	VOWR	St Johns		NL	EZL music, ID
800	0850	11/11	CKLW	Windsor		ON	Art Bell show. "AM 800 CKLW" ID
820	0754	8/11	WBAP	Fort Worth		TX	Midnite Trucking Network on Newstalk 820 WBAP
820	0807	11/11	CHAM	Hamilton		ON	"Hamilton's 820 Cham" C&W
870	0805	11/11	WWL	New Orleans	LA	ID, C&W mx
890	0758	11/11	WLS	Chicago		IL	ID, ABC News
900	0816	8/11	KNR	Uummannaq, Greenland	Nx in Danish // DR 243 & KNR 650, 720
930	2305	6/11	CJYQ	St Johns		NL	Canadian mx, "Radio Newfoundland" wx
930	0742	12/11	CFBC	St John		NB	Oldies, "93-CFBC" ID
950	0758	8/11	CKNB	Campbellton	NB	"music & information for the north shore &
							 Gaspe Bay coast, 95 CKNB"
960	0814	7/11	CHNS	Halifax		NS	Now oldies format. ID "… Oldies 96"
1000	0825	11/11	WMVP	Chicago (Pres)	IL	ESPN Radio ID, ad for Chicago company. Sports
1010	0650	11/11	CFRB	Toronto		ON	'phone-in, "CFRB" & "Newstalk 10-10" IDs
1010	0654	11/11	WINS	New York		NY	wx in New York; "Wins 10-10" ID
1020	0725	11/11	KDKA	Pittsburgh		PA	'phone-in, ads, "Newstalk 10-20 - KDKA" ID
1030	0723	11/11	WBZ	Boston		MA	"News Radio 10-30" "WBZee means news" 
1050	0735	11/11	WEVD	New York		NY	"New York Sports - 1050 ESPN Radio"
1070	0805	10/11	CBA	Moncton		NB	CBC Radio 1 ID, Deutsche Welle EE // 1140 etc
1130	0745	7/11	WBBR	New York		NY	"Bloomberg Money" px. ID: "Bloomberg 11-3-0"
1140	0805	10/11	CBI	Sydney		NS	CBC Radio 1 ID then Deutsche Welle EE px
1180	0930	11/11	WHAM	Rochester		NY	"News Radio 1180 Wham"
1190	0713	15/11	WLIB	New York		NY	"… on AM 1190, WLIB"
1210	2343	14/11	VOAR	Mt Pearl (pres)	NL	rcdng Canadian Remembrance Day church service	
1250	0812	10/11	CBGA	Matane (Pres)	QC	CBC French - YL DJ with rock & pop.
1270	0925	12/1	CJCB	Sydney		NS	"CJCB" ID between C&W tracks
1320	0823	10/11	CKEC	New Glasgow	NS	2 x DJ IDs "on CKEC", + sung jingle
1350	0824	15/11	CKAD	Middleton 		NS	"…. on AVR - the Best Country Music station"
1360	0735	4/11	WKAT	Miami (Pres)	FL	Classical mx, ID "WK--",  "Miami Herald" mention
1360	0830	12/11	CJBC	Bathurst		NB	ID "1360 (zed?) - CKBC Better Music". Pop 
1375	0806	9/11	RFO	St Pierre & Miquelon		relay of France Inter, "France Inter" ID, FF football
1390	0000	14/11	WZHF	Arlington		VA	ID "WZHF Arlington" and fanfare
1400	0936	11/11	CBG	Gander		NL	Newfoundland wx, Remembrance Day special.
1470	0759	7/11	WLAM	Lewiston		ME	relay WMTW "local f'cast on News Radio, WMTW"
1480	2355	13/11	WSAR	Fall River		MA	px  "…bought to you by ?? Union Bank & WSAR"
1500	0731	4/11	WTOP	Washington	DC	nx, "WTOP Radio Sports", "WTOP time, 2-31"
1510	2346	13/11	WWZN	Boston		MA	"Boston's Celtic Basketball - 1510, The Zone"
1520	0720	11/11	WWKB	Buffalo		NY	"Business talk radio 1520 - WWKB"
1540	0938	12/11	WPTR	Albany		NY	"WPTR" sung jingle, "Good,Bad & Ugly" theme mx
1540	2308	14/11	CHIN	Toronto		ON	brief pk over WPTR/Bahamas - CC YL inc "CHIN"
1560	2258	9/11	WQEW	New York		NY	"AM 1560, WQEW, New York City". Radio Disney
1590	0659	13/11	WARV	Warwick		RI	"Life saving radio - 1590, WARV"
1590	0707	13/11	WSMN	Nashua		NH	"ESPN Radio 1590 - The Tiger". Sports
1630	0750	15/11	WRDW	Augusta		GA	WRDW ID, promo
1630	0759	15/11	KNAX	Fort  Worth		TX	EE ID heard in the mix
1630	0800	15/11	KCJJ	Iowa City		IA	"Iowa's most powerful radio station, KCJJ"
1650	0746	13/11	WHKT	Portsmouth (pres)	VA	Radio Disney - pops - Abba etc
1660	0800	14/11	WCNZ	Marco Island	FL	"News Radio 1660" "WCNZ, Marco Island, Naples, 
							Fort ?? ."
1670	0800	7/11	WRNC	Warner Robins	GA	"Number 1 gospel stn…. AM 1280 WLCG &
							  AM 1670 WRNC"
1680	0018	14/11	WTIR	Winter Garden	FL	Tourist info, "TIR" jingle	
1680	2229	4/11	WTTM	Princeton		NJ	'phone-in Hindi & EE for Diwali. "EBC Radio" IDs
1690	0658	13/11	WPTX	Lexington Park	MD	"Maryland's most up to date News… Newstalk 
							1690 AM - WPTX" 
1700	0730	9/11	WJCC	Miami Springs	FL	SS pop, "Voz Cristiana" spoken & jingle IDs

Central America & the Carribbean

530	0800	10/11	R Vision Cristiana, Turks & Caicos.	     EE ID: "..R Vision Cristiana Intl 530 AM.." SS rel
820	0010	6/11	R Paradise, St Kitts (pres)		US preacher // KTBN 7505 kHz
890	0752	15/11	R Progreso, Chambas, Cuba		SS Nx "en Progreso"
1160	0000	8/11	Caribbean R Lighthouse, Antigua		ID, BBCWS nx in EE.
1180	0933	12/11	R Rebelde, Cuba			OM/YL in SS, nx, ID: "Rebelde de la Madrugada"
1280	2238	5/11	VSB2 Hamilton, Bermuda (Pres)		US EE rel px, scriptures, "Amazing Grace"
1280	2300	5/11	WCMN Arecibo, Puerto Rico		SS, several "WCMN" IDs heard
1350	2324	4/11	WEGA, R Las Vegas, Isabella PR		sung jingle: "W-E-G-A..…Radio Las Vegas" SS mx
1390	2340	4/11	WISA R Puerto Rico, Isabela PR		Latin mx & ID "Radio Puerto Rico
1400	0035	4/11	Harbour Light of the Windwards, Carriacou, Grenada  "Good Tidings Hour" - hymns
1480	2308	8/11	WMDD Fajardo, Puerto Rico		Advert inc "Plaza Fajardo". "Tropical" jingle
1540	2305	14/11	ZNS1 R Bahamas, Nassau	Caribbean News inc Grenada, Bermuda, Bahamas
1600	2259	9/11	WLUZ San Juan, Puerto Rico		"WLUZ 1600 AM (Miami?) San Juan, Puerto Rico"
1610	2230	4/11	University Network, Anguilla		Dr Gene Scott // 9725. Mentioned "Secret 15"
1620	2350	3/11	WDHP Frederiksted Virgin Islands		"...WRRA 1290, simulcasting…WDHP 1620 AM…"
1660	2302	4/11	WGIT Canovanas, Puerto Rico		Puerto Rican mx, "Cadena Gigante"	

South America

730	0740	15/11	HJCU	R Melodia, Bogota, COL			distinctive mx, "Melodia"/ "R Melodia" IDs
850	0710	9/11	YVZC	R Fe y Alegria, Maracaibo, VEN		timecheck, ID
900	0703	7/11	YVMD	R Mara Ritmo 900, Maracaibo VEN     	promo, ID "Mara Ritmo Nueve Cien"
950	0701	9/11	LR?	R Belgrano, Buenos Aires ARG  	"Radio Belgrano, la primera con ...noticias"
980	0755	5/11	HJES	RCN Cali, COL			SS ID, "RCN" promo
1070	0006	6/11	LR1	R El Mundo, Buenos Aires ARG		ID, medical 'phone-in
1070	0011	6/11	YVMA	R Mundial Zulia, Maracaibo VEN		SS IDs "Zulia", "…Mundial Zulia…"
1070	2346	5/11	HJCG	R Sante Fe, SF de Bogota, COL		SS 'phone-in, 2 x "R Sante Fe" IDs
1120	0104	4/11	ZYK274	R Rural, Porto Alegre, BRZ		PP anns ""1120" & "R Rural", ballads 
1130	0730	9/11	YVRL	R Ideal, Maiquetia, VEN			SS IDs, promos.
1180	0749	9/11	ZYJ232	R Guacu, Toledo BRZ			adverts, IDs
1290	0640	7/11	YVLF	R Puerto Cabello, VEN			station promos, many IDs, SS
1350	0815	9/11	YVZZ	R 1350, San Jose de Guanipa, VEN    	IDs " Radio 13-50, 24 horas" x 2
1350	2310	4/11	YVTJ	R Falcon, Pto Cumarebo VEN		ID " Radio Falcon mil cincuento AM"
1380	2335	5/11	YVNG	Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello, VEN    	Long ID / promo
1390	0030	3/11	YVZA	R Fe y Alegria, Caracas VEN		ID, promo, SS mx
1390	2358	11/11		R Farol, Touros, BRZ			PP songs, full ID / jingles @ 2359
1440	2230	11/11		Super 1440 AM BRZ (poss. ZYJ469 Rio de Janeiro?) 	IDs "Super 1440 AM"	
1470	0031	6/11	CX147	R Cristal del Uruguay, Los Piedres  	ID, promo, 'phone-in programme
1470	0757	9/11	OAX4B	CPN Radio, Lima PERU			ID, ads, promos "esta es CPN Radio…"
1470	2348	5/11	ZYH779	R Cidade, Goias, BRZ			IDs / promos PP
1470.07 0020	4/11	YVSY	R Vibracion, Carupano VEN		DJ: "Vibracion!" (pron Vee-bra-shun) mx
1580	0759	9/11	HJQZ	R Maria, Barranquilla COL		ID: Radio Maria - La Radio de la fe….."	
1590	0057	6/11	CX159	R Real, Colonia, Uruguay		"Radio Real" ID, SS promo for "futbol"

Middle East & Asia

180	2303	14/11	TRT1 Polatli		News in Turkish // 954, 1017
711	2200	reg	two Arabic stations  - probably IRIB Ahwaz and R Cairo Youth Programme
846	1845	3/11	Republic of Iraq R, Baghdad	AA songs // 909. ID & nx @ 1900
846	1900	3/11	R Radonezh, Noginsk, Russia	RR church music, ID
908.94	1850	3/11	Republic of Iraq R, Baghdad	AA songs, ID // 846 kHz
918	1450	9/11	AIR Suratgarh, India		Indian classical songs // Delhi 4860 kHz
954	2300	14/11	TRT1 Trabzon			Nx in Turkish // 1017
1017	2300	14/11	TRT1 Mundanya			nx in Turkish // 954
1080	1628	10/11	Turkmen R (2 tx sites)		Turkmen music // 5050 kHz
1080	1639	5/11	IRIB Abadan, Iran		AA service. ID "Idaat al Teheran" // 6025
1134	1435	14/11	CNR1 (unknown site) China	Chinese talk // 6030 7230
1134	1645	6/11	R Kuwait, Sulaibiyah		AA talk about Koran // 9880 kHz
1161	1530	14/11	IRIB Abadan, Iran		External service Arabic news // 1224, 15125. ID
1206	1640	6/11	V of the People of Kurdistan, Sulaymaniyah  Kurdish songs // 4025. Strong!
1224	1712	6/11	IRIB Abadan, Iran		Arabic external service // 1080, 6025 kHz
1242	1630	11/11	V of Vietnam, Thoi Long		sign-on English service, news
1295	1900	6/11	Azerbaijani R, Pirsaat (Baku)		ID in (pres) Azeri. (EE @ 1801 10/11) v.low mod
1341	1708	6/11	R Kuwait			Main Arabic service // 9880 kHz
1359	1634	6/11	IRIB 1 (unlisted site)		News // 1503 & 15084 kHz
1368	1632	5/11	IRIB 1, Sari			OM/YL news in Farsi // 15084
1403.85 1510	14/11	Pakistan BC, Dera Ismail Khan		YL & OM - News in Urdu // 5027 (Quetta) inc 
							several "Radio Pakistan" IDs in dialogue. 
1431	1655	6/11	IRIB Isfahan			Talk in Farsi // 1503 15084 kHz
1476	1440	14/11	R Thailand, Lamphun (pres)	YL talk in Thai, exotic songs, bells @ 1500
1476	1535	4/11	UAE Radio, Dubai		Arabic talk // 13675 kHz. Strong
1494	1515	11/11	Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi		Chinese // 5060, 5960 kHz
1494	2220	6/11	R Jordan, Al Karanah		AA nx 2230, ID 2258: "amman wa-kadim"
1503	1530	4/11	IRIB Bushehr, Iran		News in Persian // 15084
1557	1431	14/11	Family R, Kouhu, Taiwan		Family R signature tune into Mandarin talk
1566	1600	5/11	R of the Two Rivers (CIA) Kuwait	s/on, AA mx, IDs "idaat wadi al rafidaya"
1575	1530	10/11	VOA Bangkok, Thailand		Special English // 6160, 11995 etc kHz
1593	1615	5/11	AIR Bhopal, India		Indian singing // 3315 kHz
1593	1700	5/11	VOA Farsi via Kuwait		News in Persian // 6160, 9680.


711	2330	8/11	V of Africa, Tripoli, Libya	End of AA - into EE nx. FF 2334+. v distorted audio
783	2217	9/11	R Mauritania, Nouakchott	Arabic talk // 4845 kHz shortwave
819	1507	14/11	ERTU, Batra, Egypt		AA songs // 12020. ID "Huna Kahira"
1251	1735	8/11	V of Africa, Tripoli, Libya	Green Book EE // 15435 - not // FF pxs 15220 etc


738	1650	6/11	RFI, Paris			English pxs (pres 1600-1700)
846		reg	R North, Limavady, Ireland	inc religious, country music, oldies pxs etc
1035	1140	14/11	Semenoja R, Tartu, Estonia	Russian Bible px, ID, RR songs
1062		reg	Danmarks R, Kalundborg		5 min EE nx & wx hrd @ 0930, 1605 & 2100
1080	1510	5/11	R Mordovia, Saransk, Russia	Int sig, ID, Oblast nx in RR & Mordovian
1134	0843	7/11	Kool AM, Burnt Mill Schl, Harlow	pop, ads, IDs "Kool AM Breakfast"
1224	1540	5/11	R Bulgaria, Vidin		Bizerov Sisters songs, RR px mixing with Spain
1233	1948	10/11	Czech R (multi tx)		English px // 1071, 1287 kHz
1287	0938	4/11	BFBS (multi tx)			YL DJ with quiz - ID "BFBS Radio 1"
1350	0825	5/11	Hospital R Pulse, Redditch	Bon Jovi, "Hospital Radio Pulse, 1350 AM"
1350	0833	4/11	Radio Cavell, Oldham		ID "This is Radio Cavell - 1350 AM"
1350	0900	9/11	Mid Downs Hosp R, Haywards Heath   Clear ID "..from the Princess Royal Hospital…"
1350	0840	13/11	Kingstown R, Hull		"Rockin' & Rollin' all over your ward - Kingstown R"
1350.1	1058	14/11	R Nightingale, Rotherham Hosp.	R Nightingale request line, oldies, IDs
1385.9	0920	4/11	R Carillon, Loughborough Gen Hosp.	"Carillon 1386 is on the air 24 hrs a day, 7 days.."
1386	0959	4/11	Blast 1386, Reading College	Promo for new web site:
1404	2308	4/11	ERA Komotini, Greece		Nx in Greek // 1494, 5865 kHz
1530	2321	6/11	Thunder 1530, Keflavik, Iceland 	"Thunder 1530 has it all" 
1548	1629	5/11	V of Russia, Grigriopol, Moldova	tones, Moscow chimes, then ID in (pres) Serbian
1575	0950	4/11	JAM, Hull University		"….live from the heart of the campus, this is Jam"
1575	0957	4/11	Stoke Mandeville Hospital R	"on1575 AM, this is Stoke Mandeville Hospital R"
1575	1055	14/11	R Tyneside, Newcastle Gen Hosp	ID / promo: "contact Radio Tyneside"	
1660	1946	10/11	Serbian pirate			Serbian music, anns
1682	2230	10/11	Radio Statmos (?Harika)		Greek pirate, mx, ID
1695	2228	10/11	Statmos (?Espero) QSO with	
				Radiofonikos Statmos (?Anatolia)	Two Greek pirates from Kalamata, mx IDs.

Unidentified - any suggestions?

1180	0040	4/11	UNID Brazilian - repeated IDs or slogans sounded like "Radio Viba Vil - Viba Vil"
1476	1600	14/11	UNID relay of BBCWS EE news with tinny clipped audio. Azerbaijan?

73's Alan & Dave

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This page updated: 10 Dec 2002